This weekend in the garage

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This weekend in the garage

Post by DickBrowne »

I have been mostly concentrating on the interior.

When I bought my GT, the interior looked absolutely fine, but the reality didn’t really stand up to close scrutiny.

The radio was mounted, oddly enough, in the radio slot in the middle of the dashboard and, just to give that period feel, only has one speaker (note I said “radio”, not stereo?) and as it’s a LW/MW unit, just about the only useful task it performs (other than to fill the hole in the dashboard) is to receive Radio 4, which is quite cheerfully does on long wave. It’s just like listening to the radio in the 1960’s…

The centre console, where the speaker grille would normally be, was a bit of a nightmare. The central portion had been replaced with a piece of hand-painted wood, complete with brush strokes, and into this was mounted a map light, which was useful, a non-functioning switch for the windscreen washers, which was of no use whatsoever, an ammeter, a clock that didn’t work and another piece of hand painted wood upon which was stuck the original MG badge from the radio aperture cover. In a totally different shade of black.
The original wooden cover, following removal became a shelf-mounted ornament to display , well, to display something, but I have no idea what as of yet.

I’d planned to rectify this for some time, but the price of the speaker grille is a shocker, so I thought I’d do something a little more creative.

I’d already sourced an aperture cover from a trader at the restoration show at Stoneleigh, and I’d also ordered half a metre of vinyl. A trip to B&Q on Friday evening completed the ingredient list with a piece of 3mm MDF.

The resolution was simply a case of cutting a suitable piece of MDF, using the old wood as a template, popping some wadding on from Mrs. Browne’s sewing cupboard for a luxuriant 1970’s padded feel, and cutting a few holes in the MDF for good measure, then mounting the bits I wanted to keep - a new window washer switch, the map light, and the radio (same one, still 1960’s sounding).
Of course; it wasn’t that simple. There was a ton and a half of wiring to strip out, so the car will probably be faster now I’ve shed that weight. I also found that the speaker was behind the solid wood panel, which probably wouldn’t have done anything for acoustics, so that is now re-positioned under the dash so may be clearer. Possibly.

I also had a problem screwing into the MDF from behind to hold it in place, so I compromised by bolting it in from the front, but sprayed the bolt heads black - They blend in more than the picture shows.

In a nod to the modern world, I’ve also popped a ram mount under the gearstick surround so I can pop a phone mount in when I need some sort of sat-nag for long journeys.

All achieved with enough weekend spare for me to spend a couple of hours warming up indoors in front of the telly playing Forza Horizon 4 on my x-Box, mainly because I’ve found out how to “paint” my current favourite drive, a Mk1 MGB GT, in the same colour as my own car. I’m sure Mrs. Browne must despair.
Last edited by DickBrowne on Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ian F
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Re: This weekend in the garage

Post by Ian F »

Thanks for the update Dick, very amusing😁. Your radio is just like mine and even receives the same radio station 🤔🤔

Ian F
MGCC member
1972 BGT, Blaze, Navy trim, recessed grill
1961 Midget, 948cc, Clipper Blue, Blue trim and weather gear
David Witham
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Re: This weekend in the garage

Post by David Witham »

As you call it a "Sat-nag" I guess it is one that says "recalculating" in a stern voice if you choose to go a different way. Our Garmin does that.

Satisfactorily mounting a satnav can be an issue once the sucker starts to age and the B roadster screen is quite small before one adds things to it.

My dashboard had a blanking plug in the middle occupying the hole that was originally designed to take a manual screen wash pump. So I bought a 17mm ball mount fitting and modified it so that it is now bolted through where the aforementioned blanking plug was. The satnav no longer drops into my lap and both driver and navigator can access it easily. Also the driver doesn't have to glance down too far from the straight ahead to see it.

I still have to remove the satnav when popping into the services for a coffee though. Difficult to solve that one without buying a GT.
Posts: 73
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Forename: Richard
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Re: This weekend in the garage

Post by DickBrowne »

My chosen satnag is actually variable as I will be running it from my mobile, giving me a choice of Waze (if I’m in a hurry) or something like Sygix if I fancy the scenic route.

The ram mount I've used was on one of my motorbikes and the beauty is that, once I’ve undone a simple hand-nut, the main mount is removable, leaving just a 1/2” ball visible.

The hiding of modern accessories in an old car can be a mission, so my approach is to just go with it - rather than trying to appear entirely original, I think of my GT as a blend of the best of the old and the most convenient of the new
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