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MGB GT Headlining

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 2:32 pm
by Hazza1190
So one of the jobs on the list to do on my B GT restoration project is to re-do the headlining as the previous owner had painted them incredibly badly for some obscure reason?!
I don't really fancy spending £400-£500 on a new headlining from Moss so was hoping to re-upholster my current ones. I see on eBay that you can get the vinyl for about £100 ( ... 1948735311 ). Has anyone used this one before, or have any other ideas for how i can restore my current headlining?


Re: MGB GT Headlining

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 4:17 pm
by Peter Cresswell
Hi Harry
This might help you:
and this from the MGF Register forum: ... lining.htm
Good luck with this!

Re: MGB GT Headlining

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:58 am
by Jeffrey Lister
Hi Harry,
I bought a headlining kit from Sussex Classic Car Parts nothing wrong with it, very similar to the original.
The problem is getting it to remain in place, I initially used the weetabix board to stick the lining too. This lasted about a year before it joined me in the drivers seat.
The second attempt resulted in throwing the weetabix board away and substituting it with Dynamat. This has a self adhesive backing and is primarily designed for sound proofing. Using a cardboard template, cutting the dynamat to fit and carefully removing the backing sheet stuck it to the roof. Once in place it is very difficult to re-position.
I then used a very strong high temperature adhesive applied to both surfaces and proceeded to fit the headlining ( 2 person job). To date the headlining is still in place even after it was subjected to the extreme heat at the Le Mans Classic. plus its a bit quieter.
Hope this helps

ps; If you need any further info email ;

Re: MGB GT Headlining

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:57 pm
by Grumpy2
pm sent