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Wing! How many are there!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:27 pm
by One993blue
Hi Gents, i have four mgc roadsters and one came without a nearside wing.

Its a 68 car so Chrome bumper.

I bought a chrome bumper used wing and it seems wrong!
Where it should but up to the windscreen it doesn’t, there is a gap.

Is the wing i got for a later car ? Or maybe even a rubber bumper car or a GT?

Here is a picture.

If anyone can guide me to the right wing i’d appreciate it!!!


Re: Wing! How many are there!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:56 pm
by George Wilder
Looks like definitely a GT wing to me, so very different from a roadster at the windscreen end.

The BMH MGB parts list looking under "Skin panels and assemblies" lists the types of MGB wing.

There 5 types per side for roadsters and 3 per side for GTs

The key to chrome bumper wings is the side and indicator position which changed in 69. Make sure one has a matching pair.


Re: Wing! How many are there!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:37 pm
by Peter Cresswell
The wing you have got is for a GT, not a roadster: roadster wings have holes for the screen to pass through and GT don't but have the dogleg in the pictures further from the screen to allow the wings to pass around the screen pillars. The different types of roadster wing are early cars where the sidelights/indicators were further out from the grille on both sides, later roadsters 69 Mk2 onwards had the sidelights/indicators were moved slightly inboard, and rubber bumpers which have large cut outs for the bumper mounting. All MGCs were produced from 1967 to 1969 and up to Nov 1968 had the earlier type of wing with the sidelights further out from the grille and from then on had the later chrome bumper wing sidelights further in. Early wing tend to be in short supply second hand, and but are available new.
If you have a wing on the other side of the car, get a roadster wing that matches that.