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Historic Vehicle Tax.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:33 pm
by Vic Butler
My MGB GT was manufactured in 1977 but not registered until Feb 1978. The DVLA records showed the year of manufacture as 1978 so last summer I sent a Heritage Certificate to prove the correct year and the records were amended. The V5 doesn't show the year of manufacture.
Tuesday 3rd April I went to my local main Post Office to tax the vehicle which was on sorn. I joined the queue and 15 minutes later I was at Cashier number 6 position. 2 minutes later I left with number receipt for zero tax and the PO were sending the relevant section of the V5 to the DVLA.
Anyone who owns a vehicle that is registered in an earlier year to that of registration and where the records show the incorrect year should send proof of this to the DVLA well in advance of the relevant 1st April. I was expecting problems but the PO cashier knew the regulations.
At the time of posting this topic (12.30pm Wednesday 4th April)the DVLA Vehicle Enquiry Site shows the car as sorn but I would imagine (hope) the authorities have access to a site which shows it as taxed as the enquiry site is available to the general public but doesn't give details of the registered keeper.
. Vic Butler