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Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:56 am
by Graham Dix
Below is a reproduction of the article appearing in this months edition of Safety Fast - MGB Register News section.

As a past Technical Rep for the Register I have had numerous requests for information on how to find out information contained in original factory records. The MGB Registrar, Andrew Vigor, holds records relating to MGBs submitted by members. In last month’s Safety Fast Andrew gave a detailed article on the Register. These records do not include details of the car when released new from the factory. That information is contained In the build records that are held in the Archives of the British Motor Museum (BMM) at Gaydon.
Some years ago I enjoyed a visit to the archives to view my own 1967 MGB records. The Archivist was very helpful and explained the hand written records to me which are hard to understand without help. The records cover such information as the date of manufacture (including dates of final inspection etc.), body numbers, engine numbers, body colour, trim colours, and original equipment (such as hood type, Overdrive etc). In many cases they also give the name of the garage the car was supplied to. Early cars up to 1967 also have gearbox serial numbers recorded.
Should you ever wish to inspect these records you will need to make an appointment as they are unable to accommodate a visit without one. Far easier is to contact the Archives on-line service - ... vices.html
Many members are aware of the existence of Heritage Certificates available from the BMM and they offer a range certificates with varying amounts of information. Prices range from £42.00 to £86.00 with the option to pay extra for a document wallet. They offer a Dating Letter which is cheaper but beware as DVLA require a Heritage Certificate in respect of Historic Tax status applications. Many of you may not be aware that they also offer a service whereby they will provide a single piece of information by email return at a cost of only £6.00.