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Roadster hood frame swap

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:37 am
by Dave lee
Hi, my 67 Roadster hood has the frame that slots in, so roof down is a case of taking everything apart. Can anyone tell me if I get the fold back frame will my hood still fit or will I need both to convert? It's just the hood that is on there is in very good condition, thanks.

Re: Roadster hood frame swap

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:21 am
by George Wilder
A quick search of the MOSS site for new hoods.

This gives different part numbers for identical spec. hoods on each type of frame - maybe that's a clue to the answer to your question.

I have had a packaway hood for over 30 years now - it goes up so rarely it's hardly a an inconvenience plus I have the back shelf for luggage and easy battery access.

Re: Roadster hood frame swap

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:15 pm
by Dave lee
Unfortunately mine is parked on my drive, it is covered but I would prefer to put the hood up when parked, it's not the quickest thing to do. So was the answer yes even though a different part number?

Re: Roadster hood frame swap

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:41 pm
by Peter Cresswell
Hi Dave
The fold down frame hood will be different from the removable frame hood because it has flaps on the inside that attach around the frame. I suspect that is why they are different part numbers. I think it is likely though that the removable frame hood will fit over the frame of the fold down hood, so if you can get a folding frame at a reasonable price buy it and try your existing hood over it. If it doesn't work then either sell the it again and get a frame and hood or buy a hood that suits the frame.
You won't gain much in convenience, as you will still have to put the frame up then fit the hood over it. Even then the fold down hood is a lot of faff to put up, and takes some time. Certainly not as convenient as a hood on an MGF/TF or MX5 or MR2 roadster all of which can be put up or down in seconds.

Re: Roadster hood frame swap

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:52 pm
by Dave lee
Thanks Pete, I'll have a few practice runs to hone my skills on the art of the hood :)

Re: Roadster hood frame swap

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:04 pm
by John Watson
I have a Pack away hood on my 1964 B. It is good and bad. Good because you have a big open space behind the seats and looks neat especially when the tonneau cover is fitted, the hood rolls up and fits neatly in the boot and the frame can be packed in 2 parts or together in the factory supplied bag. When travelling you have loads of luggage space ( my wife needs this)
The bad bits, you have to be a good weather watcher so you don't get wet. We have put the hood up in approx 5-10 mins, the frame is put together first and clipped in place, but NOT opened, then unroll the hood and throw over the frame, position the rear two clips, then fit the U shaped alloy clips on either side, leave the front of the hood hanging, then place the rear peg clips in place at the back, now sit in the car, do not open the frame, then clip the front rail on with the over centre clips, then reach over your head and push the hood frame back to stiffen the rear of the hood, then move forward and push the front frame to stiffen the front roof. Finally clip the securing clips to the frame. I hope this helps.

Re: Roadster hood frame swap

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:07 pm
by Peter Cresswell
A video from YouTube about putting the hood (soft top) down and up, and fitting the half tonneau (or hood cover). It features the later type (1970 onwards) of hood which is attached to the car. Unfortunately the commentary is not in English, but you will get the idea. Importantly it shows how to correctly fold the fabric.
So far I have not been able to find a video about the hood that removes completely, but dealing with the fabric is somewhat similar for all hoods except for the removable type you take it off the car and pack it in the boot (trunk).

Re: Roadster hood frame swap

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:55 am
by Dave lee
That looks so much easier than stripping everything off, pulling the frame apart and stowing it, will definitely look into changing mine. My son has a TR6 and always just unclips the front and sides then just pushes it back rather than do the unclipping folding thing.