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It’s gone! (And an offer)

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 3:09 pm
by DickBrowne
And I’m feeling a little bereft - I’ve listed a few parts on the sale section here but really wanted to thank everybody for all of the advice and help they’ve given on my MG journey, especially Paul Scott who has been an absolute lifeline on a number of occasions. That isn’t to say that Paul is the only member who has helped me, there have been a number of others, but I don’t want to call any out just in case I miss anybody. You all know who you are.

What about that offer, I hear you ask.

Well, I have bought tickets for MGB 60 and also priority parking but as I have no MG I guess I will be persona non grata in the priority parking area.

If anybody can use the parking, and I’d prefer somebody near to me if possible, I’d be more than happy to donate the parking for the event, but I’d like the plate back afterwards please - I have a bit of a plate collection and the 60 one sits nicely in there. That’s why I’d rather a local person so I can drop the plate off and collect it again afterwards, but I will post it rather than see it unused, if nobody local wants it.

Local, btw, means within about half an hour of Milton Keynes.

Let me know if you can use the plate.


Re: It’s gone! (And an offer)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:34 am
by Steven collins
Hi Richard,
If still available I would gladly take you up on the offer of the priority parking please.
I have sent you an email.

Many thanks

I’m sure the MG bug will bite you again soon and we will see you in an MG of some description.

Re: It’s gone! (And an offer)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 8:11 am
by DickBrowne
Hi Steve, I’ve sent you a reply, but for everybody else’s benefit, the parking has been taken.

I’m absolutely certain that I’ll be in an MG at some point and now that it’s gone, I am feeling bereft. Hopefully Mrs. B will be on the mend soon and normal life can once more begin

Re: It’s gone! (And an offer)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:28 am
by Steven collins
Many thanks Richard much appreciated.
Please pass my good wishes on to Mrs B for a rapid recovery.