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Any paint guru’s out there

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 4:51 pm
by Steven collins
The MG is in need of some tlc where time has ravaged some areas of the paint work, quite happy to tackle this myself however, paint in question is Cellulose (that is fine by me) colour is red/orange mix nearest I can get off the shelf is a 96% match.
Would this be a “near as dammit” colour against the rest of the paintwork or would it stand out like the proverbial sore thumb?
Really do not want to purchase loads then find out it doesn’t look right.

Many thanks in advance ..

Re: Any paint guru’s out there

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:27 pm
by Ian F
Steven, are you saying that you have a non-standard colour? If so, I suggest you take the car or a good panel to your local auto paint supplier. They have several ways of getting a good close match.
Be aware that red and red/orange do general fade and change over time. Red has little opacity and that may be why it is vulnerable.
If a standard MG or BL colour (Blaze?) then there should be no problem in getting cellulose in that colour. I have bought Blaze cellulose from several suppliers - they all vary a bit but one should be an OK match. Try HMG paints in Manchester, they seem to be the best quality in my experience.

Ian F

Re: Any paint guru’s out there

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:44 pm
by Ian F
Apologies Steven, I see we have had this discussion before!! To answer your question directly + I suspect it wi llbe quite difficult to get a good match to existing paint, but if you do whole panels then it should be acceptable (to my standards anyway....)

Ian F

Re: Any paint guru’s out there

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:48 pm
by Steven collins
Hi Ian,
Guess I will just purchase a 1ltr tin to start with and if it looks ok will get some more to complete the work…
Paint shop used a spectrophotometer on the existing paint to get a near match.

Re: Any paint guru’s out there

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:57 pm
by Ian F
If you were closer to me you could try some of the several tins of Blaze I have, if that's close enough.

I cut strips of card with a 1 inch hole in one end. Spray the card with your paint, let it dry. Then hold over the bodywork to test the match. I had several very small pots of different basic colours which I then used to adjust the shade. It's surprising how close you can get with a bit of time and care.

Ian F.

Re: Any paint guru’s out there

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:55 pm
by Steven collins
That’s a great idea, will definitely try that, I’m told the colour is bright red with a mix (quantity unknown) of orange - not that that is of any help!!

Re: Any paint guru’s out there

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 9:37 am
by Dave Wheatley
I'd be interested to know if anybody has found a supplier of MGB paint colour spray cans.
My 1978 Gt is the dreaded Vermillion and the car is now looking like a patchwork quilt after applications of different suppliers Vermillion touch up paint. The car was refinished about 5 or 6 years ago by a previous owner. The under bonnet paint is I think original, and is actually a good match to the repaint, but I can't get any details of the paint used by previous owners. The original Vermillion paint codes are
Vermilion (burnt orange red)
MGB 1978-80
AWBG 32781
ICI FC 57, GE 40
DITZ 60932
DUP 45471
RM 9732R
Not sure how to interpret these numbers.
I'm in a very remote part of the country, and 75 miles away from somebody who may be able to colour match.
To summarise, a supplier who could supply spray cans of BLVC118 would be ideal.

Re: Any paint guru’s out there

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:11 am
by Ian F ... rd118.html

Expensive, but looks to be what you need?

Ian F

Re: Any paint guru’s out there

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:18 am
by Dave Wheatley
Thanks Ian. I've searched for it, but your link didn't turn up.You must have a better search engine than mine!
It's out of stock at the moment though.

Re: Any paint guru’s out there

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:23 am
by Charles Farran
Hi Dave,
When i refurbished under the bonnet 3 - 4 years ago i used 400ml spray cans of Snapdragon supplied by MGOC spares together with top quality laquer & a primer from Halfords & am pleased with the overall match with the rest of the car where the paint is essentially original. I have just looked & MGOC list Vermillion ref A041C0 at £14.95 - (obviously + carriage).( I appreciate there is good separation between under the bonnet areas outside in my case & in yours it may depend on the actual shade of colour used by the PO of your car).