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Mowog pistons

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:31 am
by Dave Wheatley
First, apologies for a non MGB topic, but I get more sense on here than any other tech board.
I have recently swapped my Austin 7 for a Morris Minor 1098 Tourer, which was smoking, so I've taken the head off for a look see. The bores are clean with no ridge that I can detect. The pistons are marked m2007 FRONT, then MOWOG and then random 3 digits. I can't see any size markings. There are faint grading numbers which correspond with the block grade numbers.I don't have any accurate means of measuring the bores.
Does anybody know if the lack of oversize stampings indicates that the bores could be standard. I'll be getting a new set of rings.

Re: Mowog pistons

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:00 pm
by Ian F
Hi Dave. They sound like standard pistons as far as my experience goes. I would also suspect that if the grade sizes stamped on the pistons and the block match, then this is likely to be how they left the factory (Longbridge?).

Ian F

Re: Mowog pistons

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:57 pm
by Dave Wheatley
Hi Ian, thanks for that. That's my opinion too, so I'll try and find somebody with an internal mic and confirm.