
General MGB discussion
Jon Snelling
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Post by Jon Snelling »

Hi all'
I have just registered on the forum but I am a long term owner and member of MGCC. My car is a 1972 which I have owned since 1988.
The time has come for the annual insurance renewal and I have had a look on the usual comparison sites. The cheapest quotes on 2 sites are from One Call and at £46 and £54 and half what Performance Direct have asked for on the renewal. I would like to know if any one has had experience of this company and whether it is recommended. I should add that it is for a mileage limit of 5,000 and I have not requested an agreed valuation.
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Paul Scott
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Re: Insurance

Post by Paul Scott »

Hi Jon,

Is it a Roadster or GT?

We have been talking to cherished insurance services recently. Most do not cover a Roadster if the roof is down.

The quotes do appear very cheap.

Welcome to the Forum.

1975 MGB Roadster
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Jon Snelling
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Re: Insurance

Post by Jon Snelling »

Hi Paul
Many thanks for the reply. The car is a roadster. I have not heard of the cover being limited or withdrawn if the roof is down and I will certainly check this out. Do you have details of the companies that do this please?
Thank you for your warm welcome.
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Paul Scott
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Re: Insurance

Post by Paul Scott »

Hi Jon,
You should check your current policy regarding the roof up/down. We all know the roof up is not going to stop anyone getting in the car. But it is worth checking.

We recently had a zoom meeting with Peter from CIS. It may be worth asking for a quote from Peter. ... -services/

If you want to drop me an email with contact details, I can ask Peter to make contact.

1975 MGB Roadster
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Ian F
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Re: Insurance

Post by Ian F »

Hello Jon, and welcome. Those quotes are exceptionally low in my opinion. My own view is that practically all premiums for our MGs are affordable, so the main thing to consider carefully are the exact terms and conditions of the policy.
I have always gone for agreed value (Vs market value) and salvage retention. I also have limited mileage. Some policies do not make these things very explicit so you need to read the small print!
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Paul Hollingworth
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Re: Insurance

Post by Paul Hollingworth »

Hello Jon - your quote is very cheap. My car is similar to yours. This year I switched my insurance to Cherished vehicle (part of A-plan) the new insurance partner of the MGCC. I had been with my old insurer (no names no pack drill) for 20 years but every year the fee went up. This year it was £128 for fully comp with breakdown cover. I managed to barter Cherished down to £105. Lets see how they do next year. I'm not afraid to switch again.
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Vic Butler
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Re: Insurance

Post by Vic Butler »

I've been with Peter Best since the late 1980'd and the premium on the MG had always been fair. Last year I insured the Land Rover with them for under £100, agreed valuation £6,000 and 3,000 miles. Their breakdown recovery is free unlike most other companies..
Has the MGCC broken off their long ties with Peter Best?
1977 Stage 2 MGB GT
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Re: Insurance

Post by Ian F »

Hi Vic. I think the only ties with Peter Best were because PB himself was a Director of MGCC?
Since PB retired from his business and sold it on, it does seem to have changed, not necessarily for the better. Just my opinion of course, but after many years with them I am now switching to another insurer.
I wouldn't choose to influence folk one way or the other, read the terms and conditions carefully and make up your own mind would be my advice to anyone.

Ian F
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Paul Hollingworth
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Re: Insurance

Post by Paul Hollingworth »

I cant recall Peter Best being a director of the Car Club. He may well have been in the past but he certainly isn't now, he's a vice president. This is a honorary position with now power but I'm sure some influence. I've never been insured with Peter but have friends who are satisfied with their cover and premium. I think its fair to say that he always did his best (no pun intended ) for Car Club members. The word is that the premiums have gone up since Peter retired and sold the business on.
1971 MGB roadster & 2006 MGTF
Ian F
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Re: Insurance

Post by Ian F »

You may well be correct Paul, I regret I was just being lazy and should have said "an officer of the club" rather than Director. I had many years of excellent service from PB in the past, my only problem has been that I discovered earlier this year, that a policy I had with them supposedly on an agreed value basis, had in fact been a "market value" policy. In subsequent discussions the policy manager at PB insisted it was agreed value, but the documentation was explicit - market value. This was the Hiscox Artisan policy rather than Hiscox Classic Car policy.
I'm afraid I prefer things to be a little less ambiguous, so have decided on a different insurance broker.
I did look for Hiscox Artisan on the internet and it did not appear to be a classic vehicle policy. I may be mistaken of course, but again I prefer more certainty.
Cost of these policies was never an issue for me, in fact I am paying more now that I have switched.
Hope this clarifies things,
Ian F
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1972 BGT, Blaze, Navy trim, recessed grill
1961 Midget, 948cc, Clipper Blue, Blue trim and weather gear
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